Julia Roos
Julia Roos maintains a general civil litigation practice with a focus on commercial and administrative law. She has appeared before all levels of court in British Columbia.
Julia received her JD in 2015 from Thompson Rivers University in Kamloops, BC. During law school, she participated in competitive moots and was managing editor of the Canadian Journal of Comparative and Contemporary Law.
Julia summered and articled at the firm before clerking for the Honourable Justice Robert Barnes at the Federal Court of Canada. She returned to the firm as an associate in 2017.
Notable Cases
Notable Cases
Lepard v. Greenwood
Interfor Corporation v. Mackenzie Sawmill Ltd., 2022 BCCA 228 (with Maryanna Dinh and Randy Kaardal, Q.C.): successfully defended an appeal involving the operation of a force majeure clause and the doctrine of frustration in a breach of contract case.
Garcha Bros Meat Shop Ltd. v. Singh, 2022 BCCA 36 (with Brian Duong and assistance from Simone Penney): counsel for the respondent and franchisor Garcha Bros. Meat Shop in successfully defending the appeal of a Supreme Court interim injunction order enjoining a former franchisee, their principals and non-parties to the franchise agreement, from the operation of a retail butcher business at the former franchise location.
Duggan v White, 2019 BCCA 200: successfully brought an appeal concerning an application by a single mother to relocate with her child under s. 46 of the Family Law Act.
William v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2019 BCCA 112 (with Michael Stephens): opposing motion for stay pending an application for leave to appeal to the SCC (leave to appeal subsequently dismissed by SCC (SCC docket 38458)).
William v. British Columbia (Attorney General), 2019 BCCA 74 (with Mark Oulton): Counsel for Taseko Mines Limited in successfully defending an appeal brought by the Tsilhqot’in Nation challenging the dismissal of their application for judicial review challenging a decision of the Senior Inspector of Mines that authorized Taseko to carry out an exploration program on consultation and accommodation grounds.
William v. British Columbia, 2018 BCSC 1425 (with Mark Oulton): Counsel for Taseko Mines Limited in the successful defence of a petition brought by the Tsilhqot’in Nation challenging an exploration program on consultation and accommodation grounds.
Kerfoot v. Richter, 2018 BCCA 238 (with Randy Kaardal, Q.C.): successfully brought an appeal concerning the presumption of undue influence under s. 52 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act and the test for converting a petition to an action.
Canada (Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency) v. Taseko Mines Limited, 2018 BCSC 1034 (with Michael Stephens): successfully opposed Canada’s petition under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, 2012 seeking to enjoin Taseko Mines from proceeding with certain provincially authorized mining exploration activities. The Court agreed with Taseko’s position that properly interpreted the federal environmental assessment legislation does not apply to the work.
August 2024
We are thrilled to announce that Julia Roos has been recognized in The Best Lawyers: Ones to Watch in Canada (2025 edition). Her outstanding work in Administrative and Public Law and Corporate and Commercial Litigation has earned her this notable recognition. Julia's dedication and expertise continue to make a significant impact in her areas of practice. Please join us in celebrating this well-deserved honor!
January 2024
Hunter Litigation Chambers is pleased and proud to announce the promotion of four Counsel to the firm: Aubin Calvert, Monique Evans, and Nicole Gilewicz, and Julia Roos. These appointments recognize the important contribution each of the new Counsel have made to the firm’s success, and going forward, their increased involvement in decisions concerning the operation and growth of the firm. Please join us in congratulating each of them on this significant and well-deserved achievement!
September 2023
A team comprised of Claire E. Hunter, K.C., Brian Duong, Julia Roos, Susan Humphrey, Amanda Richards, Hayden Cook, and Elspeth Adhihetty (articled student) represented His Majesty the King in right of the Province of British Columbia and the Minister of Education and Child Care in respect of a series of applications filed as part of ongoing litigation with the Conseil scolaire francophone de la Colombie-Britannique and the Vancouver Board of Education. Copies of the resulting decisions can be found here: 2023 BCSC 1554 (adjournment); 2023 BCSC 1332 (document production); and 2023 BCSC 1281 (pleadings).
Brian Duong and articling student Eric Main, with assistance from Julia Roos, represented the British Columbia Lottery Corporation in successfully obtaining a series of protective conditions over the production of documents in the possession and control of BCLC. A copy of the decision can be found here.
August 2023
Julia Roos is recognized by Best Lawyers® Canada: Ones to Watch (2024 Edition) for her work in Administrative and Public Law, Corporate and Commercial Litigation.
August 2022
HLC congratulates Julia Roos on being named to Best Lawyers in Canada's™ 2023 “Ones to Watch” list.
June 2022
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Julia Roos and Maryanna Dinh, acting on behalf of a major forest company, successfully defended an appeal from an order dismissing the defendants’ summary trial application and declaring that a series of fires did not discharge the defendants’ obligations under a force majeure clause in the subject contract nor frustrate the contract, in a case that has attracted national media attention. A copy of the decision can be found here.
A Hunter Litigation Chambers team comprised of Bill Smart, Q.C., Brian Duong, Julia Roos, Susan Humphrey, Simone Penney, and others represented a major participant in the Commission of Inquiry into Money Laundering in British Columbia. A copy of the Commission’s final report can be found here.
February 2022
Brian Duong and Julia Roos represented franchisor Garcha Bros. Meat Shop in successfully defending the appeal of a Supreme Court interim injunction order enjoining a former franchisee, their principals and non-parties to the franchise agreement from the operation of a retail butcher business at the former franchise location. Simone Penney
November 2021
On November 22, Claire Hunter Q.C. and Julia Roos presented at CLEBC’s Appellate Practice 2021 program. Claire was co-chair of the session and presented on chambers practice and Julia Roos spoke on a panel entitled “New to Appeals – A Primer”.
December 2020
Brent Olthuis and Julia Roos represented a Vancouver ratepayer couple in a successful challenge to the City’s assessment of vacancy tax for the 2017 taxation year.
November 2020
Brent Olthuis and Julia Roos, working with a counsel team including several Ontario lawyers, successfully fended off an application to stay their client’s intended class proceeding against several LifeLabs entities. A copy of the reasons can be found here.
October 2020
Randy Kaardal, Q.C., Julia Roos and articling student Ben Kaardal were successful in defending a summary trial application seeking to dismiss a breach of contract claim. The summary trial application focused on the asserted defences of force majeure and frustration. Reasons for judgment can be found here.
August 2020
Claire Hunter, Q.C. and Julia Roos successfully acted for an applicant on judicial review, challenging a decision made on behalf of the Minister of Health refusing to grant a security clearance to the applicant under the Cannabis Regulations. The decision was set aside as unreasonable and remitted back to the decision-maker for redetermination. Reasons for judgment can be found here.
June 2019
Julia Roos was counsel for a mother and primary caregiver in successfully appealing a decision refusing her application to relocate with her child from the Kootenays to the Lower Mainland for the purpose of attending university at SFU. The Court of Appeal set aside the orders of the lower courts and substituted an order permitting the mother to relocate with her child to the Lower Mainland. The reasons for judgment of the Court of Appeal can be found here.
April 2019
Four Hunter Litigation Chambers lawyers — Mike Stephens, Claire Hunter, Q.C., Trevor Bant and Julia Roos — were recognized in the British Columbia Court of Appeal’s 2018 Annual Report for their contributions to pro bono services on Court of Appeal cases in 2018.
March 2019
Mark Oulton and Julia Roos acted for Taseko Mines Limited in successfully defending an appeal brought by the Tsilhqot’in Nation challenging the dismissal of their application for judicial review challenging a decision of the Senior Inspector of Mines that authorized Taseko to carry out an exploration program on consultation and accommodation grounds. The original reasons for judgment can be found here. The reasons of the Court of Appeal can be found here.
August 2018
Mark Oulton and Julia Roos acted for Taseko Mines Limited in successfully defending a petition brought by the Tsilhqot’in Nation challenging an exploration program on consultation and accommodation grounds. The reasons for judgment can be found here.
July 2018
Randy Kaardal, Q.C. and Julia Roos successfully brought an appeal concerning the presumption of undue influence under s. 52 of the Wills, Estates and Succession Act and the test for converting a petition to an action. The reasons of the Court are available here. Randy Kaardal Q.C. was also quoted by The Lawyer’s Daily in an article regarding the case, a copy of which can be found here.
April 2018
Five Hunter Litigation Chambers lawyers — Mike Stephens, Brent Olthuis, Claire Hunter, Trevor Bant and Julia Roos — were recognized in the British Columbia Court of Appeal’s 2017 Annual Report for their contributions to pro bono services on Court of Appeal cases in 2017.